Monday, August 31, 2009

Esquisse 2

The pyramid provided different challenges, firstly in the calculations of the template, then in finding an efficient closing mechanism. I was also interested in minimising waste and improving my cutting skills, both of which I achieved in the course of this esquisse's development.

Sketching provided a rapid way of designing different possibilities for the template. This one involved a square that folded within itself to form the pyramid's sides and base.

Much cutting and gouging was required to allow any movement at all in the 10mm thick Xanita. After several attempts, a surrender had to be made and defeat accepted: it wasn't going to work, as much as I would have liked it too.

Using a different method, a compass provided a sure way of measuring the triangular sides.

I was happy to find a method that could be doubled on one piece of Xanita.

This version proved impractical and didn't provide a secure closure. Back to the cutting board.

The result, worthy of five pharoahs.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Understanding Material - Resolution

Further development and improved skills came with subsequent attempts. Angles and dimensions were accurately measured and greater care was taken to not pierce the exterior when making cuts. Overall, I found that careful prior planning made the execution itself less troubled.

Understanding Material - Process

Initial experimentation with the material proved time consuming, and provided unsatisfactory results. The Xanita board's inherent qualities provided challenges that required practice and reflection to perfect. Particularly, I found the V-joint difficult to make cleanly, with symmetrical cuts on precise angles.